Sunday, February 8, 2009


Its been a while since i have written a new post and i felt it was time....
I have not been doing so well financially...and of course that is very sure as most people with our economy the way it is right now...but im sure obama will do good things for us.

Just wanted to update everyone on what i have been up to in Vancouver for the past 3 years.
so here it goes...

I have been married.

Moved several times.
I have been seperated from my husband.
Got my Permit.
My first car.(Milo, 91 Oldsmobile Cierra Cutlass)
My license.
My first car accident.
my second car. (Oscar, 91 Dodge Dynasty)
I am now in a serious relatonship with David Scott Jones. :D
my third car.( Not named yet...just got him last night, Ford Escort GT)
I Love to Bake, I Love to Drive...I Love Kakuro, Sudoku, Piece puzzles, Coloring, Hiking, Fishing, Camping etc....

all in all...I realize that though i have a lot to be stressed life is very Blessed.

Tamie and Jerry are 2 of the 6 parents i have...and i love them, respect them and appreciate them and i cant wait until i can return the favor.

David...You've been my best friend for almost a year now...I Love you and appreciate the way you make me feel and all that you do for and together with me. I Hope you know i would do anything for you. I am very much in love with you.

Lee and Anita...again...2 of the 6 parents i was blessed with...I know that we haven't had the best relationship through the years. I hope you know that despite what i have previously felt and do feel about our past and relationshp...i do love the both of you and i am happy you are a part of my life.

David and Jean....the last 2 of my 6 were there for me when i was being held back and although i dont get the chance to see you...i do love you and am so glad you are with my dad, i know and see how happy you make him and i wll be eternally grateful for that. Dad...we are close, despite what we went through growing will always be my dad, and i'll alway be there for you. sorry things didn't work with us. I will always love you...and i will always want you in my life. I hope you're life works out the way you want it, even if im not in it.

My sisters...what can i say....we are sisters....we have our fights...but i will Love you always...and never want to be without any of you!!

Chris and Emily_You are two of the very best friends i have...Im so happy that you 2 are happy in love....I'll Love you always. I care about you...the both of you have been there with me through so many good and bad things...i couldn't ask for a better friendship than what i have had with you.

Malen and Wendy_The parents of my neice and nephew...i just want you to know how much i love the both of you. i can't express how grateful i am to you, Sky and Solee have had a blessed life with you and there is no doubt in my mind that they will be wonderful, loving, caring adults. Thank you for that.

God....I Love you, thank you for being here with me...and being there for my family and friends, i would be lost without you in my life..and i love you. You're one of my 4 very best friends and you always will be in my heart and head.

I hope you all got the basics of my past 3 years...and if you have any questions...all you have to do is ask.

